Published Wednesday, May 31, 2006 by HVACISMYLIFE.
Beginning of summer...
Life is luxurious, riding in my G ride with 20" rims and women around me everywhere. The bling is all around me, but it is never enough. Like Mr. T, without my bling i'm nothing...
The eyes open, it's 5:15 a.am and no bling, no women. It's horrible... I try to go back to sleep to catpure those vivid images again. hoping beyond hope that THIS, this bland horrible reality is the dream. Alas, to no avail. Depression sets in. Should have sold drugs and pimped... But no... human comfort is my choice in life... There must be no deity. I will stop offering virgins to Zeus...
Every HVAC engineer needs to get drunk.
Published Thursday, May 11, 2006 by HVACISMYLIFE.
The week's great results:
"Toto... I don't think we're in Kansas anymore."
Published Thursday, May 04, 2006 by HVACISMYLIFE.
Morning : zzzzzz.... "Why is everyone's internet working except for mine?" -New Guy
What does your company REALLY mean when they say... :
"WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" - Power that Be.
"That project is DEAD...(to me)" - Power that Be.
My current state of mind: (Repeats every 5 minutes) - Inspiration from the deity named Bean.

Porn... Err, Duct design and load calcs would look so good on this screen.
FROGGER REAL LIFE STYLE! Thanks to my new favorite porn... Err Video Blog Actress.
Amanda CongdonAfternoon : "I wish I could do nothing at home rather than nothing at work" - Yours truly
Published Wednesday, May 03, 2006 by HVACISMYLIFE.
START : .......
MIDDLE : ........
END : ...... "If I reboot I will just go home..." by FSB ....
START : .......
MIDDLE : ........
END : ...... "I heart Architects " by Chief Carrier Riding on Trane