May 04, 2006
Published Thursday, May 04, 2006 by HVACISMYLIFE | E-mail this post
Morning : zzzzzz.... "Why is everyone's internet working except for mine?" -New Guy
What does your company REALLY mean when they say... :
"WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" - Power that Be.
"That project is DEAD...(to me)" - Power that Be.
My current state of mind: (Repeats every 5 minutes) - Inspiration from the deity named Bean.

Porn... Err, Duct design and load calcs would look so good on this screen.
FROGGER REAL LIFE STYLE! Thanks to my new favorite porn... Err Video Blog Actress.
Amanda CongdonAfternoon : "I wish I could do nothing at home rather than nothing at work" - Yours truly
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You only have to repeat every 5 minutes?? Can it be done on someone else?