Published Wednesday, July 26, 2006 by HVACISMYLIFE.
Here is an interesting chart someone made. The average person needs to work this many minutes to buy a gallon of gas. Not all of us are lucky (or crazy) enough to buy 400 dollar VWs that run on diesel with the option of Bio Diesel...
Published Tuesday, July 25, 2006 by HVACISMYLIFE.
Scientists use waves to write on Water.... Imagine the possibiliies for the porn industry...Gives new meaning to wet dreams...
Published Thursday, July 20, 2006 by HVACISMYLIFE.
HVAC isn't dead after all... Honda uses (2) 450 ton chillers to cool themselves..
This is old news... Thermal Ice Storage is nothing new...But it was mentioned on Gizmodo, so it is noteworthy.
Ohio plant is cooled by ice- not cut out of the river but made by two big 450 ton chillers that work all night using cheap base-load power, which then chills the air all day as the ice melts. While the system cost more at the beginning, it should pay for itself in three years and last at least thirty.
Published Monday, July 10, 2006 by HVACISMYLIFE.
So according to THIS article, without talent you have 33.33333% chance of failing as a designer... Then again... for you glas is half full people... You have close to 60% chance of succeeding... That explains why we have idiot designers out there.